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#1 Over Night (Le D'eon Chevalier)[Full version]
Over Night (希望各位會鍾意啦!)
Fly,sway,go all the way
I'm in the same fate with you
I feel your beat all around
Wandering in the everlasting way
Tears fall, vanish into the night
If I'm a sinner...
Chivalry, show me the way to go
Rise, high,just feel alive
Say a prayer for you today
I still believe in your love
Trace the shadow go truth into the dark
Tears fall,vanish into the night
Chivalry, show me the way to go
Wandering my crying soul,Only you can wipe away my tears (x2)
Foever...Tears fall, vanish into the light...

Youtube :[Full Version] [ Youtube ID: Mf3SxTfLmh0 ]

[ 本帖最後由 ~傻婆~ 於 2007-12-30 02:48 PM 編輯 ]
2007/12/30 02:43 PM

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