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標題: Need to help about extra file nar
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發表於 2011-9-29 12:41 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
Need to help about extra file nar

i see  CSO DJB have sequence of player in file ***.seq like this http://www.mediafire.com/?dg4qqspl982dq6l ?
Do you know how to extra this ?

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pkpkoj (deray)
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發表於 2011-9-29 03:18 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
use nartool,so easy can extra the nar file.

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發表於 2011-9-29 05:41 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
The word is "extract", not extra
You can search for NarTool to extract the files from Nar files.

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發表於 2011-9-29 05:46 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
回覆 #1 bugmenot 的帖子

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發表於 2011-9-29 06:28 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
the question is how can extract sequence of player
http://www.mediafire.com/?dg4qqspl982dq6l this model have sequence of player

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發表於 2011-9-29 11:32 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
回覆 #5 bugmenot 的帖子

You can use 3DS max to edit .seq type files
It's concerning the model files.

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發表於 2011-9-30 04:36 PM  資料 文集 短消息 
can you help me about it

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